Whipped Shea Nature’s Moisturizer began as an experiment in my college dorm room at Fisk University. As a young adult intrigued by natural skin care products, I explored using Shea Butter as a daily moisturizer. Here is where I encountered a dilemma - The raw shea butter was so dense that it seemed to only soften enough to use when combined with hulk-like strength! Trying to moisturize and be on time to my 8 am class was sounding like an impossibility!
I am not easily defeated - so I went to work on researching how to make the shea butter pliable enough to use at room temperature. Therefore, a touch of desperation, curiosity, and focus was the fertile ground that set the stage for Whipped Shea Nature’s Moisturizer - a natural skin care company that facilitates holistic care by nurturing the internal and external person through organic products and self-care services.
BIPOC Business
Small-Batch Production